This is a printable STL of a bite stick designed to record CR at various thicknesses from 2mm to 6mm. This was designed for me to use on nightguard cases but may have other uses. It is free to use under creative commons license.  You must attribute any redistributions or deritive works to me.
Printing Instructions
To print, use surgical guide resin (SLA, DLP printers) or PETG (FDM printers). Follow your printing manufacturer’s instructions. Layer height really doesn’t matter too much.
Clinicial Instructions
I find different patients and practitioners have different ways to coax a CR out of a patient. I instruct the patient to lightly bite on the stick, then move their jaw back and forth. When they are as far retruded as comfortably possible, I ask them to squeeze down while I scan the bite. Your methods and results may vary; use your best clinical judgement as to when centric relation has been reached.
If you used PETG, discard or recyle the print after patient use. If you used surgical guide resin, you may autoclave the stick and reuse. Durability varies by resin and autoclave.
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